
Gather with Friends. Shape the Future.

camps in alpharetta

Summer Camps in 2020 Aren’t Cancelled (but they will be different)

Without a doubt, 2020 is already off to a really strange start. As the corona pandemic took hold, schools were closed and spring activities were canceled. Now, parents everywhere are trying to figure out how they are going to navigate summer. After all, kids still need to create memories, make new friends, experience new things and continue to develop physically, mentally and emotionally.

Let’s prepare for summer by understanding what we can expect from summer camps in light of the new realities in 2020.

Camp operations will change:

We all have fond memories of long summer days at camp. We played tag, shared our drinks and would sweat non-stop. Kids will still create special memories but things will look a little different this year.

Bye, Bye, Bye!

* Parent drop off / pick up will most likely happen at the curb.

* Every child entering the facility will be checked for an elevated temperature.

* Hands will be washed before kids join their friends.

All Clean!

* Camps will have staff members whose sole purpose are to sanitize tables, toys, playground / gym equipment, bathrooms and more.

* Hand washing sinks will be added to outdoor play spaces and gyms to ensure the utmost sanitary environment.

* Kids will be washing their hands every hour (at minimum).

* Machines will sanitize toys and equipment every night to ensure utmost cleanliness.

  • Let’s Break It Up!

* Even after required social distancing is eliminated, best practices will ensure kids have limited interaction with the masses.

* Groups will remain smaller and will rotate between various spaces and activities.

* There will be a reduced number of overall campers.

  • The Wheels On The Bus … !

* Field trips on crowded buses will be greatly limited (if not eliminated).

* Special activities will be coming to the facility when ever possible.

It may seem like the life is getting sucked out of summer camp but this doesn’t have to be the case! New friendships will be formed, new passions will be discovered, unforgettable memories will be created.

While this summer is definitely going to be different, it can still be special! There is a way for us to make wise decisions as parents and still let kids enjoy an epic summer.

Frank Bealer

CEO, Phase Family Centers

If you are interested in finding out more about Camps at Phase, simply click here.

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