
Gather with Friends. Shape the Future.



Our programs prepare your child with the skills and knowledge that they will need for the future. By providing an engaging curriculum and meaningful classroom activities that challenge children to explore their interests, acquire knowledge, and build new skills, our hope is to meet these needs in every way.

Our Phase Foundations and Creative Curriculum offers a consistent curriculum for every age-group, with a unified monthly theme. It provides meaningful, whole-classroom activities that challenge children to explore their interests, acquire knowledge, and build new skills based on literature. The STEAM Phase Foundation Curriculum offers small group and individual activities so that every kid has ample opportunity to practice, achieve goals, and experience success.

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Infants & toddlers

Infant and young toddler schedules are less structured than those for older children. Daily structure for the infant and young toddler programs revolve around important care routines. In an infant room especially, there are several schedules being followed throughout the day depending on individual needs.

A safe place is provided with quiet toys for infants and toddlers to play with during arrival times. This allows caregivers opportunities to greet arrivals, perform health checks, and talk with parents.

For the youngest children, diapering times are on demand. For older infants and toddlers, regular diapering and toileting times are scheduled to support successful toilet-training for toddlers.

Young infants are fed according to their individual schedules. Breakfast, lunch, and a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack are scheduled for older infants and toddlers.  Family style dining with older infants and toddlers encourage self-help feeding and oral language skills.

Young infants follow their own sleep schedules. Toddlers have a scheduled quiet time/nap time after lunch.

Several times are scheduled for play and explorations that include a balance of active and quiet activities. Play materials are offered both inside and in the age-appropriate outdoor area.

Mid to late morning and afternoon group times are scheduled and include sharing picture books, songs, and finger plays with two or three toddlers at a time.

Infants and toddlers have daily access to the outdoor environment. An outdoor time is scheduled for both morning and afternoon.

Choices of soft books, board books, and quiet play materials are provided to help organize going home times. This allows staff to care for infants and toddlers while being available to talk with parents and to gather things to go home.



Daily routine for preschool age children (2-year-olds through Pre-K) call for a more predictable yet flexible schedule. With growing independence and mastery of new skills, children can make choices and follow their own interests while feeling comfortable within the secure framework of a schedule.

Staff welcome children individually, talk with parents, complete health checks, and organize children’s personal belongings. This time includes routines like hand washing and breakfast.  A variety of informal activities are offered for children to engage in while waiting for others to arrive.

This time is planned for the whole homeroom class to be welcomed and to transition into the day’s activities. Group activities include songs, finger plays, or a story and provide an opportunity for caregivers and children to share with the group, and introduce the themes and activities for the day.

Various activities in the curriculum are prepared and scheduled, allowing children to rotate throughout different centers, activities, and enrichment rooms. Some activities include small groups while others include individual activities.

This time allows children to come together as a group and review the morning’s activities.

The children practice self-help skills during clean-up, hand washing, and preparation of snack. Preparation occurs in the homeroom as a learning center activity, in the cooking enrichment environment, or during family style eating.  Snack preparations may involve a thematic or curriculum connection.

Time is reserved after eating, napping, and before outdoor play for toileting and hand washing. This option is open, as needed.

Outdoor materials and centers are prepared for a variety of activity choices. Adequate time is available for free active play.

Family style dining provides opportunities to promote self-help skill and to model table manners and informal conversations. This time also provides spontaneous teaching and learning opportunities. Meal preparations may involve a curriculum connection. 

Time is reserved for children to rest and recharge. The length of time will vary with the age of the children. Quiet individual activities are available in an area removed from where others are resting for children who do not sleep.

This snack follows rest time or is scheduled later in the afternoon.

Time is allowed for children to choose individual activities as others are waking.

This time may be reversed with the afternoon group time.

This time may be reversed with the afternoon outdoor play and serves as a transition to or from outdoor play and into informal afternoon activities.

Time is planned for individual activity choices, time in learning centers, and/or enrichment areas.

Activities are confined to a few areas in the homerooms to allow staff to care for children, talk with parents, and to gather things to take home.

Nutrition + Meals

We ensure your child is provided healthy and nutritious meals to keep them going throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are prepared on-site by our dedicated chefs. Our meals use fresh ingredients that exceed all nutritional guidelines. Please let us know if your child has any dietary restrictions and we will be happy to work with your family to make accommodations.

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